
Damian Johnson

Recent Work - Amazon (software engineer) and Tor project (volunteer)
Languages - Python, Ruby, and Java
Interests - Library development, open source, and online privacy
Work Experience:
Tor Project Volunteer (2009 - Present)
Tor is an open source anonymity and censorship circumvention tool for dissidents, abuse victims, and anyone that desires privacy on the Internet. I authored a couple of our projects...
• Stem is Tor's python library, though which you can write applications incorporating Tor.
• Nyx is Tor's command-line resource usage monitor, providing statistical information for relay operators. (2009 - 2019)
Software developer (SDE2) in Amazon's Builder Tools department. My team, Source, migrated our companty from Perforce onto Git and develops our internal code review tools.
Google Summer of Code (2008)
Developed for the SIP Communicator, a Java open source VoIP and chat client, as a participant in Google Summer of Code. Contributions included keybinding customization and internationalized spell checking. Development log and source code can be found here.
Google Internship (2007)
Six month internship as a software engineer in test with Google Pack. Work included writing an applet front end for the test harness and expanding capabilities of Eggplant test scripts.
• Washington State University | 2007 — 2009 | GPA: 3.60 |
Graduated with a Masters of Science in Computer Science |
• University of Washington: Tacoma | 2005 — 2007 | GPA: 3.75 |
Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computing and Software Systems |
Last Updated: 10/27/19